Bad portmanteau, (hopefully) good photography.

Hi. During the work day (and work night), I'm a Ph.D student in cognitive psychology at the University of Oklahoma. At other times, I may be a video game enthusiast, a nature lover, or just a guy who appreciates a fine beer, wine, or Scotch.

I also like to consider myself a budding cyclist and an amateur photographer. For this project, I've decided to combine those two things. As I've been riding around Norman, OK, I've seen a lot of things that made me think "I wish I had my camera". It turns out that the small college town has a bunch of interesting sights hidden around it.

So now, I plan to take my camera and a single lens with me each time I go on a bike ride. Along the route, I'll hop off and snap a picture of something that catches my eye. To make things interesting, I plan on taking "a picture" quite literally, as I will only return with one image per trip. To make things even more interesting, from time to time I will ask someone else to pick a location for me, as well as a lens to take along for that ride's photo. These additional constraints should make for more interesting outings, and they should also force me to be more creative in my decisions (because after all, limitations breed creativity).

As the title says, hopefully this project is much better than the portmanteau used to describe it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Porter and Rock Creek, EF-S 15-85mm ƒ/3.5-5.6.

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